Sundays at Thrasher
So you’re looking for a church?
Thrasher offers several worship opportunities and ways to get connected. We can’t wait to meet you!
Worship at Thrasher
8am worship
This is an informal yet traditional service held in the Chapel. A small ensemble, the Chapel Singers, provides special music.
9am worship
11am worship
Choir – Led
Don’t miss 5th Sundays at Thrasher!
2024 “5th Sunday” Service Dates
Sept 29 and Dec 29
Every 5th Sunday of the Month
10AM Combined Service
Family-Style Worship (no childcare)
Worship Band & Sanctuary Choir with Organist/Pianist
Potluck Lunch Following the Service

3pm worship
Thrasher offers a worship service in Korean at 3pm in the Chapel.
트레셜교회는 오후 3시에 채플에서 한국어 예배가 있습니다.
The service is led by Pastor Seong-Jae Jo, and is followed by a meal in the fellowship hall.
이 예배는 조성재 전도사가 인도합니다. 예배 후에는 펠로우쉽 홀에서 식사를 통해서 교제하는 시간을 갖습니다.
Korean Worship
What is a typical service like?
Each of our four Sunday services offer a different style and atmosphere. We welcome you to visit the service of your choice – we are just excited to have you in church!
What should I wear?
We are thrilled to have you as our guest! You’ll find people in our pews wearing everything from suits to jeans. Come as you are… we just can’t wait to meet you!
Where are you located?
Thrasher United Methodist Church is located at 707 E Washington Ave in Vinton, VA.
What do you offer for my children?
What times are your services?
how can i get connected?
Our adult small groups are a fantastic way to meet people, grow in your faith, and get connected into the Thrasher community.