Thrasher UMC Missions


Thrasher is involved in many missions and ministries… if you are a part of Thrasher, you are called to be in mission.

We are involved in the church… through Thrasher’s Preschool… by supporting Scouting, AA, NA, and many other groups that use our building as a ministry center.

We are involved in the community…. through Kids Soar, the Roanoke Rescue Mission, a partnership with Herman L. Horn Elementary School, The Presbyterian Community Center, Appalachia Service Project and many more.

We are involved in the nation and the world…. in 2012 we sent a team to Brazil for the “Shade and Fresh Water” program and in 2019 we sent a team to Costa Rica to work with the Rice and Beans program. We also support United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and its disaster relief programs at home and abroad. Our UMW group supports “Kits for Conference,” providing affected persons with supply kits to help them as they strive to rebuild and restart their lives.

We support mission through monetary giving.

Join us for a Midweek Refreshment Prayer service Wednesdays @ 12:05pm in the Sanctuary AND 6:30am the first Wednesday of each month.